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Introduction to Narrative

2022 TBA

Sonja Baram


Join Sonja Baram for a compelling introduction to Narrative Therapy. For curious counsellors, mental health and community workers and all others looking to expand their understanding and practice into Narrative and Invitational ways of working with others.


The two days will help you make sense of Narrative therapy theory and practice with a touch on how Narrative fits into the vast landscape of helping conversations to date. Assess and develop a therapeutic position, maps of narrative practice and find richly creative voices to support the clients valued hopes and acts of living. Finally practice, practice, practice skills with consideration to your own work contexts.


Day I:  9.30 am – 16.30 pm:  Intro and Overview of Maps of Narrative Practice: Where Theory and Practice provide a helpful orientation to prepare for helping clients. 


Day II: 9.30 am – 16.30 pm: Deeper dive into key Maps and Narrative Therapy Skills, Practice and Your Contexts will be woven throughout the two days.






Sonja Baram


Sonja is an experienced family therapist residing in Adelaide. She has been learning, practicing and teaching about how to have conversations with people in a wide variety of settings and in ways that can be most helpful to them in their lives. She notices how conversations that are guided by Narrative and Invitational therapy can undermine harmful problems and their effects. She has authored several papers in the field and is on the Editorial board of the Australian and New Zealand Family Therapy Journal.

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